Sync folders in linux

Good morning, when I send files to the main folder by linux does not synchronize with web access. Has anyone ever experienced this?

I absolutely do not understand your problem, can you elaborate?

So you’re using the ownCloud sync-client on Linux to upload files? The upload with the client is not working? When you’re logging in to the WebUI what do you expect to see and what is actually happening?

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Sorry, I will express it better. I have Owncloud Server up and running. I am uploading files from another backup server to folders automatically created by Owncloud Web users. But files do not appear via the web, only if I upload via the web interface.

It’s not supported to just add files into the filesystem of the linux server. It’s always recommended to use either a client, like for example the command line client or curl against the webdav interface to upload files.

Another thing you can do is to run a occ files:scan

root@ubuntu1804:~# occ files:scan --help
  files:scan [options] [--] [<user_id>]...

  user_id                Will rescan all files of the given user(s).

      --output[=OUTPUT]  The output format to use (plain, json or json_pretty). [default: "plain"]
  -p, --path=PATH        Limit rescan to this path, e.g., --path="/alice/files/Music", the user_id is determined by the path and the user_id parameter and --all are ignored.
      --group=GROUP      Scan user(s) under the group(s). This option can be used as --group=foo --group=bar to scan groups foo and bar (multiple values allowed)
  -g, --groups=GROUPS    Scan user(s) under the group(s). This option can be used as --groups=foo,bar to scan groups foo and bar
  -q, --quiet            Do not output any message
      --all              Will rescan all files of all known users.
      --repair           Will repair detached filecache entries (slow).
      --unscanned        Only scan files which are marked as not fully scanned.
  -h, --help             Display this help message
  -V, --version          Display this application version
      --ansi             Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi          Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction   Do not ask any interactive question
      --no-warnings      Skip global warnings, show command output only
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose   Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  Scans the filesystem for changes and updates the file cache accordingly.
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Can you exemplify how to send through the command line client?

Sorry, but I haven’t used it myself yet. I recommend reading the help output:

owncloudcmd - command line ownCloud client tool

Usage: owncloudcmd [OPTION] <source_dir> <server_url>

A proxy can either be set manually using --httpproxy.
Otherwise, the setting from a configured sync client will be used.

  --silent, -s           Don't be so verbose
  --httpproxy [proxy]    Specify a http proxy to use.
                         Proxy is http://server:port
  --trust                Trust the SSL certification.
  --exclude [file]       Exclude list file
  --unsyncedfolders [file]    File containing the list of unsynced remote folders (selective sync)
  --user, -u [name]      Use [name] as the login name
  --password, -p [pass]  Use [pass] as password
  -n                     Use netrc (5) for login
  --non-interactive      Do not block execution with interaction
  --nonshib              Use Non Shibboleth WebDAV authentication
  --davpath [path]       Custom themed dav path, overrides --nonshib
  --max-sync-retries [n] Retries maximum n times (default to 3)
  --uplimit [n]          Limit the upload speed of files to n KB/s
  --downlimit [n]        Limit the download speed of files to n KB/s
  --deltasync, -ds       Enable delta sync (disabled by default)
  --deltasyncmin [n]     Set delta sync minimum file size to n MB (10 MiB default)
  -h                     Sync hidden files,do not ignore them
  --version, -v          Display version and exit
  --logdebug             More verbose logging

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I will research about the command, thanks for the directions.


from what i have read in the past the recurrent use of the file scanning command is discouraged and the following is suggested instead: