Sync photos from Owncloud to iPhone

Dear guys,

In case someone is interested, here is an iOS / iPhone app that can sync entire photo albums from a Webdav server to an iPhone. I tested it with Owncloud, and it works fine.


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Thank you for this hint :slight_smile:
However i dont know how to configure OwnPhotoCloud to connect to my ownCloud.
What server, port and folder should i use?

Hi Saibotma,

Well, I have a directory with the name "Photos" directly in my root folder which I sync. The URL of this directory in the Browser is:

So, in OwnPhotoCloud settings I enter:
Port: 443
Path: Photos

If this does not work try to set the path to: /remote.php/webdav/Photos


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Thank you for the reply.

Alright its working fine now, thanks.

However i had to change some settings.

Thats my Path to Photos:

Port: 443
Path: /owncloud/remote.php/webdav/Bilder
SSL: true



Does the official owncloud client application not support that feature ? Just wondering which product I should be purchasing to achieve the ability to auto-upload photo's/syncing.

Official application support by owncloud would be preferable.

The suggested app is for syncing of a WebDAV folder to iOS. You seem to ask about upload. Thats different. Instant Upload is done with the ownCloud iOS app, indeed.
With the offline function I think the other way around could be accomplished, but not with the viewing features, etc. I suggest to invest the a buck in both apps ...