Synchronization problems and probably corrupt data in the database

Hi all,

I have the following problem:
There is a user who receives synchronization errors on his ownCloud client.

When he logs in to Owncloud with the browser, he sees files and folders that are not more listed local.
If he tries to remove them he get the message that it is not possible..

I've cleaned up his folders directly in the folder structure on the server, but he continues to see those folders and files in the browser.
Presumably there are still references to folders and files in the database.

Can you tell me where they are in the database?
And how I can clean those up?
Or is there another way to solve this?

OwnCloud server specs
OS => Linux Debian 7:11
DataBase => MySQL
OwnCloud => 9.0.3 stable

Thanks in advance for your advice,

Have a look at the:

occ files:scan

command (see to rescan the files of that users and update the metadata stored within the oC database.

Thx RealRancor, that have solved the problem.

The command that the problem solved:
sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan vthoen
sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --path="/d1/ocdata/vthoen" vthoen

("vthoen" is the user)

Thx for your advice :slight_smile: