There were problems with the code integrity check of me

Yeah ik but idk what i must do, it seems like none of those things fixed my issue.

Technical information
The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix

  • core
      • .user.ini

Raw output
[core] => Array
[.user.ini] => Array
[expected] => 0a557e3cdca4c2e3675deed761d79d109011dcdebbd9c7f6429f1d3476938ec95729543d7384651d1d0c48e26c5024cc5f517445920915a704ea748bdb903c5f
[current] => 5a55758697a48c356ae38508b9184f692e514c7dcb25e157543f3f772e0470587200204f5d79eea575855c2a118cb4dc07b4f7e523f7e6405959d3d284c550ff




If you read the docs you linked carefully you can find instructions for every possible finding after the big example:

In above error output it can be seen that:

  1. In the ownCloud core (that is, the ownCloud server itself) the files index.php and version.php do have the wrong version.
  2. In the ownCloud core the unrequired extra file /test.php has been found.
  3. It was not possible to verify the signature of the calendar application.
  4. The certificate of the task application was revoked.

You have to do the following steps to solve this:

  1. Upload the correct index.php and version.php files from e.g. the archive of your ownCloud version.
  2. Delete the test.php file.
  3. Contact the developer of the application. A new version of the app containing a valid signature file needs to be released.
  4. Contact the developer of the application. A new version of the app signed with a valid signature needs to be released.

For other means on how to receive support please take a look at After fixing these problems verify by clicking Rescan .

Your case is option 1. so do the resolution for marked with 1:

  1. Upload the correct index.php and version.php files from e.g. the archive of your ownCloud version.

I’ll explain it in more detail for your specific case:

  1. Download the ownCloud tarball (the exact version you have installed).
  2. Extract it and
  3. upload the .user.ini to your installation,
  4. replacing the incorrect version you currently have installed.

It still gives desame error, here on the left my raspberry and on the right the extracted version on my pc x
there is literally no difference

This is the error rn

Technical information
The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix


  • core
      • .user.ini
      • index.php
      • version.php
      • …user.ini.swp

Raw output
[core] => Array
[.user.ini] => Array
[expected] => 0a557e3cdca4c2e3675deed761d79d109011dcdebbd9c7f6429f1d3476938ec95729543d7384651d1d0c48e26c5024cc5f517445920915a704ea748bdb903c5f
[current] => 04827e9f032ac471ee226c5a2aa7b80ae5de86d1a06df8145cf85a2a24217b1bc83698889c7101d1c893834fbbc153a04510a242c5e57d5d5119549df50ed4a4

                [index.php] => Array
                        [expected] => 5a9e49cd34ad4b8bc0e8844c5888eb72aff7f134a19b5c2d8799dd691f22e31e2152a81f9bd8bc23fbf660fe4aa6b1645faf0c695ee3b430c551a6369984132f
                        [current] => fcb087e627e97052cb256446d3ac92e6d52f399b820749b6c4869fd2418c5c2fd8c1df69c5148e87ed749b8c4b8aceb8946540ff4ef0fc1db2c0462f53f0976c

                [version.php] => Array
                        [expected] => 7f28eed500586090b246a3b328b11868092f086da84cf74843f6819e1399f08b767e44c9b2b8facbcfcccf6194d842362b8f614f60f5313ff7c7dd2506086754
                        [current] => b4ee9d8aa81ae1909c39fc85f2e57936d30c72cf13b120f9e8ce4ca1fc715383fa78f7fa26fbd2bad1daea68bbf1bc6e1d007a2f4a9fbed68128bcdcb7fb89dc


        [EXTRA_FILE] => Array
                [..user.ini.swp] => Array
                        [expected] => 
                        [current] => 13f5ca29c1db6a75e4ddff987c4e8871239628cda2e7d9e9d23fcb27f1a3e70aa724a14a1f781d1fe4fd7110c6590ac645e1f5899239356e9d11ed89bdceac75





maybe you have forgot to trigger a rescan of the integrity check after uploading the correct file? There seems to be also some notes on problems causing by FTP clients when uploading a file with such a client.

I did that. I have also other errors:

  • php lijkt niet goed te zijn ingesteld om systeemomgevingsvariabelen te bevragen. De test met getenv(“PATH”) gaf een leeg resultaat.
    Verifieer de installatiedocumentatie :arrow_upper_right: voor php configuratie notities en de php configuratie van uw server, zeker als php-fpm wordt gebruikt.
  • Transactionele bestandlocking zou moeten worden geconfigureerd voor locking in het geheugen, niet op het trage databaseniveau. Zie de documentatie :arrow_upper_right: voor meer informatie.
  • SQLite wordt gebruikt als database. Voor grotere installaties adviseren we om te schakelen naar een andere database engine.
    Vooral wanneer de desktop client wordt gebruik voor bestandssynchronisatie wordt gebruik van sqlite afgeraden.
    Om te migreren naar een andere database moet u de commandoregel tool gebruiken: ‘occ db:convert-type’, lees de documentatie :arrow_upper_right:.
  • We adviseren om de systeem cron in te schakelen, omdat andere cron methodes prestaties en betrouwbaarheid kunnen beïnvloeden.
  • De “Strict-Transport-Security” HTTP header is niet geconfigureerd met minimaal “15552000” seconden. Voor verbeterde beveiliging adviseren we HSTS in te schakelen zoals beschreven in onze security tips.
  • Er is geen geheugencache geconfigureerd. Om de prestaties te verhogen kunt u de memcache configureren als die beschikbaar is. Meer informatie vind u in onze documentatie.

If you want to know, I follow this tutorial:
(so you can check if the tutorial is wrong)


i think you could click on the link on each of the message to get to the documentation explaining how these can be solved.

For the integrity error i think all hints where already given in some of the previous answers. I think that either:

  1. you have uploaded the files from an ownCloud version archive not matching your current ownCloud version
  2. the files are getting corrupted / changed during the upload (see previous notes on the FTP client)
  3. you have not started the rescan of the integrity
  1. they are both 10.3.2
  2. can be but if i look in the text editor desame
  3. I do that everytime

Ik I could do that, but maybe there is some underlying issue which causes this issue

Seems like its fixed now, after a reboot and 2 times a rescan (did nothing between them) the error is fixed

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