Thumbnail/Preview generation in ocis


I am currently experimenting with the example deployments of ocis and imported a large amount of data and images to a local instance with the default backend.

I noticed that the first time I open a folder, file previews take a long time to be available or are not available at all. After a refresh the thumbnails usually pop up immediately. I assume the current implementation just triggers the preview/thumbnail generation when a folder is opened and the respective files are requested by the client.

Therefore, I would like to ask

  1. if there is a way to trigger a preview/thumbnail generation for all files (e.g. via the ocis cli)
  2. if there is a way to trigger the preview/thumbnail generation on upload (be it via webui or webdav)


  1. Is not implemented, please create a ticket at GitHub - owncloud/ocis: ⚛ ownCloud Infinite Scale Stack (Featurerequest) and add some detail why this is needed
  2. should happen automatically as soon as the file is uploaded, might take some time to process.

Is not implemented, please create a ticket at GitHub - owncloud/ocis: :atom_symbol: ownCloud Infinite Scale Stack (Featurerequest) and add some detail why this is needed

If the on upload/on import thumbnail generation would be implemented, the generation via the cli might not be needed. At least I do not have a strong use case in mind.

should happen automatically as soon as the file is uploaded, might take some time to process.

Is this true for all upload mechanisms or just via the UI? As mentioned in my initial question, I observed a different behavior using webdav. The thumbnails were created just on demand when opening the respective folder.

Btw, I just found a git issue OCIS becomes unresponsive when browsing images in frontend · Issue #6874 · owncloud/ocis · GitHub which analyses my observations in depth. In that case, the on-demand thumbnail generation even led to a server crash.