Totp 2factor not working

Good evening,

I have a fresh install of owncloud 10.13
I download the totp 2 factor plugin from the marketplace and installed it but is not working.
It show * The library imagick is not available. and so isn’t activated
I’ve installed imagick too, this is the version that shows: ImageMagick 7.1.1-21 Q16-HDRI x86_64 21667
Anyone help?


i think it could be possible that you only installed ImageMagick. But from what i know you need to install the PHP library or extension “imagick” which i think is called “php-imagick” on most recent systems.


I tried with this command “sudo apt install php-imagick imagick”
This is the error:

Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package imagick

Don’t include the non-existent package name and the command should succeed.

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Got it, installed as well
but when I check if the extension has been installed with th command “php -m | grep imagick”
nothing comes out, i really don’t understand :frowning:

If I scroll up i noticed that:
WARNING: Not enabling the imagick module for PHP 7.4 apache2 SAPI since the module
WARNING: was disabled by local administrator.
WARNING: Not enabling the imagick module for PHP 7.4 cli SAPI since the module
WARNING: was disabled by local administrator.


i think it could be also possible that you need to enable that module after the installation.

I’m not sure how to do this on your system and i’m not sure if this is even ownCloud related but i think a support forum or a manual of your linux distribution could help you with this non-ownCloud related administrative task.


sorry but I thought I wrote it :slight_smile:
I’m using Ubuntu 22.04 lts server version

Done it, i need to add the following lines to the php ini file:


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i think you don’t need to modify any php ini files as there seems to be a tool phpenmod which is doing this transparently:

This is the reason why i thought that it is the best to read the manual or ask the support community of your linux as these resources can give better support on such topics :smile:

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