Translation team for german

I tried to do some translations/reviews on with my transifex account but it looks as if I need special permission for that. Who can give this permission or what else needs to be done?

Thx, Thommie

Can anyone answer this? please click "join team" button on this page and send a request to join the team. Thanks for your interest.

Hm, there is no "join team" button:

I am authenticated through my Github account (Oauth), maybe this is the problem here? Account name at Transifex is "thommierother"

Thanks, Thommie

because you are already a member of German translation team.

ok, but I could not manage to save translations or reviews. Hm, is this simply m own stupidity :wink: ?

No, you are welcome nothing wrong to ask a question. As far as I know, you should click translate button and select your language. After that, select a resource and start to translate resources strings.

I just checked files_sharing and did a review for already translated stuff, but I see no option to save that review. It seems like translators and reviewers need different permissions. Who can change that or is there some policy that allows only OC GmbH staff to review the translations?

I'll happily change your role on transifex.

For sure not! It is not in the interest of ownCloud GmbH to limit the community in any area!

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Hi, no problem, I just wanted to understand the policies and processes, thanks for the permission.

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