Unable to delete user

Please help us by providing the following info. Before posting please also check the pinned "Known issues" threads and make sure that you're running the latest available version for your oC release: https://owncloud.org/changelog/

Steps to reproduce
1a. Log in as administrator
1b. Blick on Users section
1c. Try to delete any LDAP based useraccount


  1. run occ command with "user:delete " to remove user

Expected behaviour
The useraccount and ist data Folders Content should be gone

Actual behaviour.
The user is removed from userlist but after 5 seconds a popup showing an "unable to remove user" error. Same when trying from command line. "The specified user could not be deleted. Please check the logs". owncloud.log seems to have no entries. LDAP itself is fully operational and logging in to owncloud is working.
Seems that currently no owncloud userprofile can be deleted at all.

Server configuration
Operating system: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, latest release
Web server: Apache2 (buildin)
Database: MySQL (buildin)
PHP version: (buildin)
ownCloud version (see ownCloud admin page):
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: original Installation comes from 5.x
Special configuration (external storage, external authentication, reverse proxy, server-side-encryption): No

ownCloud configuration

Go to the admin page, click on 'admin' -> 'Generate Config Report' -> 'Download ownCloud config report' or use the command line `sudo -u www-data php occ config:list system` (please sanitize sensitive data):

ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)

Please paste possible errors in the following code block, see https://central.owncloud.org/t/how-to-find-webserver-or-oc-logfile-enable-php-logfile/808 for more info

Integrity status for oC9+

Login as admin user into your ownCloud and access
paste the results here.

As an owncloud administrator you can't delete LDAP users. Only an LDAP admin can do this.

Hi I have a the same problem, and I’m logged in with my admin account.
How do I know what the LDAP admin account is ? Is it the account that is specified in the LDAP settings ? How do I set an LDAP admin ?

Click on the Gear wheel in the left bottom corner on the users page and check the checkbox for showing users home. Then you will see local users have DB users and LDAP for the LDAP users.


Hi, yes I have all my users are set as LDAP users. The user I’m logged in with is also an LDAP user and in the Admin group (which I believe is the correct setting), and yet I’m still not able to delete a user.

Any ideas ?
thanks in advance,


There are two different user directories you have to be aware of:

  1. There is the LDAP user directory. If you want to delete a user from LDAP you need to delete it there. For example: if you are using Microsoft AD you have to go AD users and groups on the Microsoft Windows server to delete a user from the backend.
  2. The ownCloud user directory. Usually when using LDAP, users are being added to ownCloud based on a condition, like for example they are member of a specific group, e.g. a group called ownCloud-access-group. (Check your ownCloud LDAP user filter configuration for the exact group name)

If you just want to remove a users access to ownCloud, you’d have to remove them from the group that has access to ownCloud. Then for that account to be deleted or disabled you’d have to run an occ user:sync with a missing account action defined:

  • delete
  • disable

I would strongly recommend to only disable missing accounts. As an account deletion will also delete all their files without the possibility to get them back without restoring the whole (!!!) ownCloud from backup.

Finally how have you tried to delete users so far, and what exactly is not working at the moment?
There are two ways to delete users:

  • in the web interface click on the little bin at the very end of the line with the user.
  • occ user:delete

Quick note: ownCloud won’t change anything in the LDAP server. Particularly, it won’t delete users there.
You need to manually delete the user in the LDAP server (with the tool you prefer), and then resync the users using the occ user:sync command or occ user:delete.

As said above, deleting the user will also delete his ownCloud’s data (particularly the files), so you might want to disable the user instead.