Unable to use the updater app

Hi guys,

I have been searching online for the last few days trying to solve this but haven't been able to find a solution. I'm running server version 10.0.0 and I see that 10.0.3 is out now but in the admin settings and updater it says my version is up to date when obviously it isn't. It is set to the stable channel and I have tried the production channel but that didn't help. If I manually browse to the /updater URL I get the following error:-

updater.secret is undefined in config/config.php. Either browse the admin settings in your ownCloud and click "Open updater" or define a strong secret using
php -r 'echo password_hash("MyStrongSecretDoUseYourOwn!", PASSWORD_DEFAULT)."\n";'
and set this in the config.php.

I have checked my config.php and there is a secret defined, so now I'm stuck...

Any help would be appreciated..

Many thanks

I had most luck in the past by using the manual upgrade as explained in the documentation.

Thanks for the reply tom42, I have done it that way now and it's now on 10.0.2..