I have a following line of code which watermark the video successfully even in ownCloud.
shell_exec('ffmpeg -i /var/www/owncloud/apps/files/ajax/video.mpg -i /var/www/owncloud/apps/files/ajax/wm.png -filter_complex "overlay=10:10" /var/www/owncloud/apps/files/ajax/output.mp4');
I write above line of code in "upload.php" file. Then it watermarked video in manual way like:
1. It selects the watermark "wm.png" from ajax folder (thats fine)
2. It picked the video "video.mpg" from ajax folder
3. It saved watermarked video in ajax folder
Now What I want to achieve? I need some amendments in 2 & 3 point......
How to get video which we want to upload instead of picking video only from ajax folder?
How to save watermarked video in user database as it save in normal case?
Please give me a kind suggestion by making modification in above line of code.