Update password / configure application programmatically

Hello, I’m attempting to install OwnCloud on multiple computers using PowerShell to enable the users to sync (read-only) a specific directory without all of them entering credentials.

The installation-process using the MSI is already finished, but I’m struggling to configure the installation for the users (Windows-devices only).

I have configured the application on one machine and I’m trying to transfer the config-file to multiple computers. I have found a config-file in AppData, and found a line in this file that gives me an UUID that is used in the Windows Password Vault:


Unescaped (to improve readability), this line contains:

(UUID is replaced with a random value for this support thread)

When I try to list all OwnCloud instances in the Windows Password Vault using CMDKEY:

cmdkey /list:ownCloud_credentials*
Currently stored credentials for ownCloud_credentials*:
    Target: ownCloud_credentials:our.owncloud.domain:1235eadb-68c4-4a58-affd-a62fef956af1:http/password
    Type: Generic

So, that means that there is an entry available. Obviously, I can change the username and the URL in the config-file. But I also want to change the password for every device. I assumed I only have to change the password in the Windows Password Vault, but it doesn’t seem to work:

Attempt 1: add a password

cmdkey /add:ownCloud_credentials:our.owncloud.domain:1235eadb-68c4-4a58-affd-a62fef956af1:http/password
CMDKEY: This command requires either the /U switch and
        a username or else the /smartcard switch with a smartcard.

Attempt 2: update the existing password

cmdkey /add:ownCloud_credentials:our.owncloud.domain:1235eadb-68c4-4a58-affd-a62fef956af1:http/password /user:myusername /pass:newpasswordhere
CMDKEY: The parameter is incorrect.

Attempt 3: update the existing password without specifying an username (because this field is empty in the Password Vault GUI)

cmdkey /add:ownCloud_credentials:our.owncloud.domain:1235eadb-68c4-4a58-affd-a62fef956af1:http/password /pass:newpasswordhere
CMDKEY: This command requires either the /U switch and
        a username or else the /smartcard switch with a smartcard.

Is there a way to install the program on multiple computers at once (passive, quiet, without user interaction) AND to configure it properly? With the URL, username and password?

The current installation command in PowerShell is:
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/passive /qn /i 'C:\Programs\OurCompanyDirectory\owncloud.msi' DO_NOT_SCHEDULE_REBOOT=1 NO_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=1 NO_SHELL_EXTENSIONS=1 SKIPAUTOUPDATE=1 LAUNCH_AT_SYSTEM_START=1 LAUNCH=0"

Thanks in advance!

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