Updater not seeing 10.15 release

Well, new owncloud release - old problem:

php updater/application.php
ownCloud updater 1.1.0 - CLI based ownCloud server upgrades
Checking system health.

  • file permissions are ok.
    Current version is
    No updates found online.

aka the updater app does not see the latest 10.15 release (again for those knowing this issue from previous update-cycles)


from what i have read in the part i think this is currently expected. From what i know the ownCloud people are always delaying the release of an update via the updater app by some days / weeks.

Iā€™m not fully sure about the reasons but from what i can remember i think it has something to do with mainly users without shell access are using the updater app:

If each update would be immediately published but has a major but not yet identified issue during the update the users without shell access would be left back with a non-working installation.



Admins, check you oc10 instances, the online updater has news for you!


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