Upgrading to 10.0.9 maintenance mode

Hi Everyone,

I updated to 10.0.9 The update process doesnt gave me any error (web updater) but when i want to enter to owncloud a screen with maintenance mode appears…
I search in the forum for this error but appears commands for linux and i have my owncloud in a vps with centos 7 and i dont know how to write the exact command to put maintenance mode off. (i ve just know a few commands, im a rookie user). Can anybody tellme the exact command for centos 7 to put maintenance mode off?
Sorry about my english but im a spanish speaker.

I take a snapshot (its in spanish)

If you can access the command line of your server - simply perform a manual upgrade by entering

sudo -u www-data php occ upgrade -vvv

in your owncloud directory. This is either




Either way you need to navigate there before executing the command to upgrade.

You can do this by:

cd /var/www/owncloud

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Dimitry that command it is not working…
Remember the server is centos 7
This is the error message


Then your webserver is running with another user than www-data.
Try this:

ps aux | grep apache

i write the command you give me and this is the result

Maybe it helps you to understand how the commands needs to be run if you have a look at CentOS related Apache tutorials where it might be explained which user CentOS is using to run Apache.

Additionally it seems the ownCloud documentation already contains the required information about the user on CentOS:


where you get redirected by another documentation about the “maintenance” mode:


So it seems to me everything required is already there in the documentation and could be found by using the search function of doc.owncloud.org with a query similar to the following which i had used to find the links:


Same effectss here, but I’m not allowed to execute commands on the server of my webspace. Any chances to fix that ?

Please perform a forum search with “10.0.8 to 10.0.9”.

Please i need somebody with centos 7 knowledge to fix my problem (it is for a public school). I will pay.

what problem do you need help with?

You need to upgrade you server, right?

The command I gave you does not fit - your web server user is not www-data but apache.

so replace www-data with apache in my command and execute it.

sudo -u apache php occ upgrade -vvv

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Hey, could you please have a look at my previously posted links which is also include the info how to disable the maintenance mode without having access to the occ command.