Users can´t see Path for a shared folder

i looked around here but only could find people having more or less similar problems like i have now (not really the same). But none of the topics brought me a hint for a (semi-)proper solution.

We use OC as a Project Document Server. Some external consultants should have access to shared folders. But those shared folders appear in their root. They do not see the path to these folders which is rather confusing for them.

-> Images
----> Company 1
----> Company 2
-> Documents
----> Company 1
----> Company 2

Company 1 now sees:
-> Company 1
-> Company 1

Which is confusing, as he does not know where to put Documents and where to put Images. Is there a way he sees it like this:

-> Images
----> Company 1
-> Documents
----> Company 1

Thanks a lot!
Cheers, Martin

Yes. You would need to work the other way around. Have "Company1" own a folder called images and one for documents, then share both folders "images" and "documents" with another user your intermediate admin user :wink: With this user you rename the folders (one after the other) to "company 1" and move them into newly created folders called Images and Documents - moving one downstream works in the webfrontend. Now you share Images and Documents from this User with the group of users who need to work with your customers. They get an Images and a Documents folder with the right structure as have your customers.
The trick is that a shared folder can be renamed and moved around by the recipient without loosing permissions. This can be confusing at times, but here it works ...

Please provide feedback, this is kind of an interesting thought ...

thanks for your answer which is highly appreciated.
Unfortunately the tree structure cannot be changed as it is a prerequisite by the client and we cannot change it at all. We tried hard but did not make any effort here.

Thanks anyway
Cheers Martin

But with the solution I described to you, the tree structure will look exactly like you described above. You just need to design it that way ...

Yes, thanks,
we thought about this way but the folder structure is more complex than i mentioned in my initial question and the way you mentioned will make us loose control on who is permitted to do what as permissions chance over time.
We have nearly 30 different users with different permission. This would be a hell of work to administrate all the structures. Although it will work of course. By this workaround will create lots of headaches just for other people.

I now found a way around which lets at least work us with the people involved.
We renamed every folder with the full path name. This looks a little weird - but only to us not the users - so we can work and administrate with a reasonable effort.

But thanks again very much.