I want to use letsencrypt certs with my owncloud docker instance, however the documention assumes you’re running a regular server instance with access to apache (which I already know how to work with), which does not seem to be how the docker instance works. I can get the certs fine, I just need to know how to get owncloud to use them. Thanks!
There is an example configuration in ocis/deployments/examples/ocis_traefik/docker-compose.yml at master · owncloud/ocis · GitHub which utilizes traefik to acomplish exactly this. There is no way of directly integrating letsencrypt directly with the binary.
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I didn’t expect to integrate letsencrypt directly, just wondering how to tell ocis to use certs I get for it - I’m hoping the added complication of a reverse proxy isn’t necessary for that…
Sorry not supported, we strongly recommend to use a reverse proxy (e.g. nginx, traefik) if you want to run with letsencrypt.
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That would apply for any real certificate, not just letsencrypt then
Yes. But you asked for letsencrypt specifically
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