Verification Plan for Upgrading Cloud-based Server is Correct + Best Suggested Method

Hey Guys -

I love ownCloud! Thanks so much for the continued development! I've been using ownCloud which I host via ownCube for a few years now. I believe I initially installed it using Softalicious and for some reason, my server installation stopped updating as it's currently on version 8.1.1. Also, from some reason it doesn't appear in Softalicious anymore so can't use that to upgrade it. I wrote ownCube support, but they said that I'm responsible for my own upgrades. I'm wanting to upgrade it to the latest and greatest, but my wife and I have a lot of important data on there. Since it's hosted in the cloud and not locally, I wanted to make sure I'm doing it correctly before pulling the trigger...

Here's some info about the environment...
I have full cPanel access as well as being able to connect using WinSCP. It's using a mySQL database also located on the host and I have phpMyAdmin available. The folder structure of the installation is as follows. Basically, all of my files are in a folder named "\ownclouddata" that exists in the root. ownCloud server files are located in "\public_html\owncloud"
- root
--- ownclouddata
------ user1
------ user2
------ user3
--- public_html
------ owncloud
--------- 3rdparty
--------- apps
--------- config
--------- core
--------- data
--------- l10n
--------- lib
--------- ocs
--------- ocs-provider
--------- settings
--------- themes

After reading through documentation, it seems that given my environment; the only way to upgrade would be to perform the below steps. It also seems I need to repeat these steps 4 times to go from the existing 8.1.1 -> 8.2.11, from 8.2.11 -> 9.0.9, from 9.0.9 -> 9.1.5, then finally from 9.1.5 -> 10.0.1.

  1. Upload 8.2.11 tar into temp folder and extract to another temporary folder
  2. Disable all 3rd party apps then put ownCloud into maintenance mode by editing config.php within owncloud\config
  3. Rename "\public-html\owncloud" to "\public-html\owncloud.backup"
  4. Move "owncloud" folder extracted from 8.2.11 tar to "\public-html" so it is where old one was prior to rename
  5. Copy config.php from "\public-html\owncloud.backup" to the new "\public-html\owncloud"
  6. Copy any missing 3rd party apps from "\public-html\owncloud.backup\apps" to "\public-html\owncloud\apps" and ensure permissions are correctly set
  7. Connect to SSH session of the hosted site
  8. Steps say to relaunch web server, but don't think I can do this via cPanel unles there's an SSH command
  9. Execute "sudo -u apache php occ upgrade" and wait for it to complete
  10. Disable maintenance mode
  11. Repeat upgrading to major versions listed above until I'm at 10.0.1

So that's the plan. I was hoping it would be something where I could just drop the tar into a folder and it would take care of it but ohh well. :slight_smile: Is the above the best way (given my environment) to upgrade? Is it correct or am I missing anything?

Thanks for your help!!

You're currently missing one step here in between:

8.1.1 -> 8.1.12

Its highly recommended to always update to the latest minor release of your branch before going to the next major release:

8.1.1 -> 8.1.12 -> 8.2.11 -> 9.0.9 -> 9.1.5 -> 10.0.1

As it seems that 10.0.2 is already prepared for the next 1-2 weeks you might also just stop on 9.1.5 for now and wait for 10.0.2


According to the release notes of 10.0.1 [1] its now also possible to skip the 9.1.5 release in between:

A new update path: ownCloud 10.0.1 contains migration logic to allow upgrading directly from 9.0 to 10.0.1.


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Appreciate you clearing up the versioning steps.- I'll probably wait on 10.x then. Just to confirm, is the procedure I outlined correct? That was my biggest concern.

Thanks again

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