Viewing usage by user or group and reporting

I’m running OC 10.4.1. Are there any reporting tools for usage by user or group?
I saw that I can impersonate a user and look at their General screen. That shows some approximation like 'You are using 16.7 GB of 100 GB (16.69 %) '. However, It will get very tedious to do this with any real number of user.

I’m open to coding an external report to run via cron. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction of what API call is creating the ‘You are using 16.7 GB of 100 GB (16.69 %)’ part.



Hello @mbrando

I second that idea, it would be great to have an extra line in the users admin panel to show the real usage.
You can go with some telegraf/infuxdb/grafana to get these values, but it’s a bit tricky.



The telegraf/infuxdb/grafana suggestions will be great for another project have. I was hoping to have something inline in the admin area of OC.

I guess I can create a cron script to run du -h --max-depth=1 /home/user/public_html/data/

Then email the results to me. That would give me the usage of each user in the filesystem without DB usage. It would look like this:

[root@host data]# du -h --max-depth=1 /home/user/public_html/data/
9.8M /home/user/public_html/data/terEAket
9.4M /home/user/public_html/data/elopLeDI
48M /home/user/public_html/data/TicIfY
958M /home/user/public_html/data/SLingeN
19G home/user/public_html/data/ando
5.0M /home/user/public_html/data/jbaSLingeN
4.9M /home/user/public_html/data/jicIfYdemo
19G /home/user/public_html/data/bopLere
5.4M /home/user/public_html/data/wbrEAkden
4.9G /home/user/public_html/data/bLingeey
58M /home/user/public_html/data/fhTicIfYe
440K /home/user/public_html/data/files_external
164K /home/user/public_html/data/avatars
43G /home/user/public_html/data/

Where the names after /data/ are the user folders.

I guess this could work for now.


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I’d suggest you use telegraf/influxdb/grafana with this module.
You’ll have realtime and browsable data you could even set alerting as you wanted.
I prefer this solution in my case since it has more pros than cons. Having the data browsable being possible mostly directly while your script would be a bit more of an hassle.

P.S: I don’t work for telegraf/influxdb/grafana :wink:


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I’ll look getting your suggestion setup this weekend.

Thanks for the module link too.

  • Mike