Virtual file problem after build with kde-craft

Expected behaviour

virtual file is shortcut link, so when click on virtual file client application download that from server and can use in pc

Actual behaviour

1- when set virtual file enable all files extention change to .owncloud and client application can’t download any file from server
2- in right click menu owncloud client have some option like always keep on this device and… , after build client with kde craft , this option not showing in right click menu

Steps to reproduce

  1. install kde craft on windows 10
  2. follow the build Instructions for build in kde craft (Appendix A: Building the Client)
  3. run the client with kde craft

Server configuration

Operating system: ubuntu 20.04

Web server: apache

Database: mysql

PHP version: 7.4

ownCloud version:10.6.0

Client configuration

Client version: I tested build on different versions , 2.8.2 , 2.9 , 2.6

Operating system: windows 10

OS language: en-us

Installation path of client: C:\CraftRoot


Please use Gist ( or a similar code paster for longer

Template for output < 10 lines

  1. Client logfile:

    05-26 19:00:23:546 [ debug gui.folder.manager ] [ OCC::FolderMan::slotRunOneEtagJob ]: Scheduling “/remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/” to check remote ETag
    05-26 19:00:23:546 [ info sync.accessmanager ]: 6 “PROPFIND” “/remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/” has X-Request-ID “d13a28e7-52f3-439f-b84c-7b7829424245”
    05-26 19:00:23:546 [ debug sync.cookiejar ] [ OCC::CookieJar::cookiesForUrl ]: QUrl(" /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/") requests: (QNetworkCookie(“oc_sessionPassphrase=VYKM15FPBTv2839Wrkv%2FjizHkBF8lYG3Zu%2FgbPb4APF6thIDJ8JFZRS1fKnbh85EEsZ%2BFnxaFYk7CiqxAKyqeCBsqmbc6aNKVCv6Io7zIAx03A0bS%2FlCqlX92stQUtwy; secure; HttpOnly;; path=/”), QNetworkCookie(“ocbw9qdx0ebu=gree65o6ltg20pdp23q8u4v7mh; secure; HttpOnly;; path=/”))
    05-26 19:00:23:547 [ info sync.networkjob ]: OCC::RequestEtagJob created for " " + “/” “OCC::Folder”
    05-26 19:00:24:078 [ info sync.networkjob.etag ]: Request Etag of QUrl(" /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/") FINISHED WITH STATUS “OK”
    05-26 19:00:24:082 [ debug sync.networkjob ] [ OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished ]: Network job OCC::RequestEtagJob finished for “/”
    05-26 19:00:53:539 [ info gui.folder ]: Trying to check " /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/" for changes via ETag check. (time since last sync: 150 s)
    05-26 19:00:53:539 [ debug gui.folder.manager ] [ OCC::FolderMan::slotRunOneEtagJob ]: Scheduling " /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/" to check remote ETag
    05-26 19:00:53:540 [ info sync.accessmanager ]: 6 “PROPFIND” " /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/" has X-Request-ID “b7de0fa9-2a4d-4673-85fb-ff257fa4c0f8”
    05-26 19:00:53:540 [ debug sync.cookiejar ] [ OCC::CookieJar::cookiesForUrl ]: QUrl(" /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/") requests: (QNetworkCookie(“oc_sessionPassphrase=VYKM15FPBTv2839Wrkv%2FjizHkBF8lYG3Zu%2FgbPb4APF6thIDJ8JFZRS1fKnbh85EEsZ%2BFnxaFYk7CiqxAKyqeCBsqmbc6aNKVCv6Io7zIAx03A0bS%2FlCqlX92stQUtwy; secure; HttpOnly;; path=/”), QNetworkCookie(“ocbw9qdx0ebu=gree65o6ltg20pdp23q8u4v7mh; secure; HttpOnly;; path=/”))
    05-26 19:00:53:540 [ info sync.networkjob ]: OCC::RequestEtagJob created for " " + “/” “OCC::Folder”
    05-26 19:00:54:079 [ info sync.networkjob.etag ]: Request Etag of QUrl(" /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/") FINISHED WITH STATUS “OK”
    05-26 19:00:54:083 [ debug sync.networkjob ] [ OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished ]: Network job OCC::RequestEtagJob finished for “/”
    05-26 19:01:22:602 [ debug gui.account.state ] [ OCC::AccountState::checkConnectivity ]: “Ashkan” The last ETag check succeeded within the last 30 secs. No connection check needed!
    05-26 19:01:23:541 [ info gui.folder ]: Trying to check " /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/" for changes via ETag check. (time since last sync: 180 s)
    05-26 19:01:23:541 [ debug gui.folder.manager ] [ OCC::FolderMan::slotRunOneEtagJob ]: Scheduling " /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/" to check remote ETag
    05-26 19:01:23:541 [ info sync.accessmanager ]: 6 “PROPFIND” " /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/" has X-Request-ID “450221a4-b40c-43d7-a04d-fae29c01c40d”
    05-26 19:01:23:541 [ debug sync.cookiejar ] [ OCC::CookieJar::cookiesForUrl ]: QUrl(" /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/") requests: (QNetworkCookie(“oc_sessionPassphrase=VYKM15FPBTv2839Wrkv%2FjizHkBF8lYG3Zu%2FgbPb4APF6thIDJ8JFZRS1fKnbh85EEsZ%2BFnxaFYk7CiqxAKyqeCBsqmbc6aNKVCv6Io7zIAx03A0bS%2FlCqlX92stQUtwy; secure; HttpOnly;; path=/”), QNetworkCookie(“ocbw9qdx0ebu=gree65o6ltg20pdp23q8u4v7mh; secure; HttpOnly;; path=/”))
    05-26 19:01:23:542 [ info sync.networkjob ]: OCC::RequestEtagJob created for " " + “/” “OCC::Folder”
    05-26 19:01:24:063 [ info sync.networkjob.etag ]: Request Etag of QUrl(" /remote.php/dav/files/4B9A8C3B-9409-4E40-BAF4-6DCFC005B828/") FINISHED WITH STATUS “OK”
    05-26 19:01:24:066 [ debug sync.networkjob ] [ OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished ]: Network job OCC::RequestEtagJob finished for “/”

@AshkanDm could you post the commands you performed in your build?

1 Like


thanks for response

after install kde-craft:
1- ‘craft --add-blueprint-repository
2- ‘craft --install-deps owncloud-client’
3- ‘craft --fetch owncloud-client’
4- ‘craft -i owncloud-client’ OR ‘craft --compile owncloud-client’
5- ‘craft --qmerge owncloud-client’
6- ‘owncloud.exe’

i use

‘craft --set version=2.6 owncloud-client’

for change build version

i need help , no anybody here have sulotion ?

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