Virtual folder to organise files by tags or collections


I'am using a lot the powerful "tag" system to organise and find my files. The problem is :

1) I can't save my tags request
2) I can't create (or drag and drop) my files in a "virtual folder" or "collections" (ref. to lightroom or tabbles).

Virtual folder would be very useful to sort and organise a collaborative work without dupplicating files, or I am the one who want to do that ?

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Hello Cloud-Enthusiasts,

thank you for this 6-years old Question, because it is exactly my QUESTION of the DAY! :smiley:

Is there a solution for tagging and sharing per “virtuals folders or collections” anywhere?
As far as I understand, therefore has to be a database solution implemented as an underlying layer?
And this Database overstretches the “real” filesystem?

Oh, just I found more keywords here:

“Digitile Document Tag Management versus Google Drive Labels (Tags)”

(I have to crop here the weblink - digitile resources-organize-google-drive)

But certainly, I need this for my Next/Owncloud onPremise Server without Googles services.

Thanks in advance for more hints.