WebDAV for shared links


I know that OwnCloud supports WebDAV access for each user. If I want to use a OwnCloud subfolder (and its subfolders, recursively) as a common file repository for an (OwnCloud) group, I can share that folder with others.

I would prefer to have each user access this common file repository using the same (WebDAV-capable) URL.

Is there a WebDAV address (i.e., URL) for this subfolder common to all group members so that they can simply use that URL to access the folder via WebDAV (so I could say “mount this URL”)? If not, and individual WebDAV URLs for the shared folder exist, how are they derived from the sharing person’s WebDAV URL?

Thanks for any help!

You can try to setup an external storage for the members of the group. Assuming the admin mounts the storage in “/ext”, the users can access to it via https://<your-server>/remote.php/dav/files/<your-user>/ext
Depending on how it’s set up, each user can access to the external storage using the same account, or using different accounts.

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