Webdav-issue after update from 8.0.14 to 8.2.27 and innodb-issue at 9.0 at Hosteurope

After updating my running owncloud I got the notice, that my webdav is not correct running. Hosteurope told me, that this is an owncloud-problem and they would response to that anymore. Searching a solution I found somewhere (didn´t find it again L ) that owncloud switched from webdav to sabredav as own dav-server. If this was in that versions, I think that it could the reason for my problem.
What can I do to run the higher versions?

Hosteurope is switching in autumn 2016 to a server-version with innodb. Older packages have to switch to the package with innodb – the conditions should be the same as old package. Then you can run owncloud 9.0, where I got an innodb-issue. (… signs to long: 1017, only 1000 possible …).


unfortunately your post contains zero information about your issue. It seems also that you're mixing two different issues so i'm closing here. Please create a new thread for each problem providing details / background infos about your environment and your issue.

SabreDAV was always included in ownCloud from the beginning.