WebDAV with SSL in Windows 10

Has anyone successfully mounted WebDAV in Windows 10 using SSL?
I read the instructions and have tried both the command prompt and in the GUI.

It works fine with http, but when I try https, I get the error 1244: “Network logon failed”. I don’t see anything in Event Viewer, but I assume the problem must be related to my SSL certificate because it is self-signed. I can connect just fine using http. SSL also works fine in macOS.

Using MMC, I have imported my certificate to the Current User > Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

Based on this article, I added my server’s IP address to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters\AuthForwardServerList.

I also enabled Basic Authentication in the registry, although I’m not sure if that’s needed for Windows 10: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters\BasicAuthLevel = 2

By the way, the documentation links to www.webdav.org but that site is down or broken.

You might want to check with other webdav clients. It might be a problem with windows.

You can check around the links in https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/4c8cc733-2a54-400e-a53a-e3f22614de9f/unable-to-map-webdav-over-ssl?forum=w8itprogeneral (although the issue is for windows 8, you might get some hints).

It is definitely a problem with Windows, because this works fine in macOS and Cyberduck. But I would like to find a workaround. One of the answers in that post made me think the problem could be that the certificate is issued to the local hostname, but I am connecting over the internet by IP address, as there is no FQDN. I guess I have to figure out how to force Windows to accept this certificate.

Currently I have no Win10 at hand, but with Win7 it works out of the box. I wouldn’t expect that it doesn’t any longer with Win10. As soon as I go back to my Win10-Box I’ll verify this.

IMHO the docs are somewhat misleading here. Do not assign a drive letter, use the link “Connect to a Web site…” instead.

Thanks Alfred. Is your SSL certificate self-signed and was it issued to an IP address or domain name?

It’s from Let’s Encrypt, issued to the domain name.

@ElliottB Any updates here? Is your cert self-signed?

Yes it is self-signed and issues to the LAN hostname, but I am accessing it by public IP address. I have not yet figured out how to make Windows accept this.

OK, thanks for the update.