WebDav: "Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken"

Cross posting: https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/35880

Steps to reproduce

  • The following bugs started 2 days ago without warning. I’m not sure what caused it or how to reproduce it.

Expected behaviour

  • Normal OwnCloud operation, in web and desktop client.
  • External storage locations should appear in main files window.

Actual behaviour

  • There are no relevant error messages appearing in apache logs.

  • For the admin user the main file window is empty. Usually it shows the top-level folder for 25 external storage locations, all of them are local type. If I click the ‘external storage’ link, then all of them are showing. Using ‘impersonate’ app I have checked several users and most don’t have this bug. Only the admin user (database user) and one other user (LDAP user) are affected.

    • The missing folders in the main oc files page suggests that the feature: settings > external storage > local storage ‘XYZ’ > available for > (group/user name) is not working. I give top-level access of each external storage to the admin user group only. So maybe it has to do with the local storage option itself, which are actually NFS mounted drives that act like a local filesystem. Does that ring any bells for you?
  • Error message in Settings > Security & warnings:
    " Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken. "

    • i have searched the above error message extensively and tried several of the solutions recommended, none of them worked.
    • My current theory is that some combination of PHP modules, .htaccess, Apache conf settings are causing WebDav support (Sabre) to be blocked somehow. Looking for suggestions on how to systematically test this.
  • Error message in Client:

Server configuration

Operating system:

Ubuntu 14.04

Web server:




PHP version:


ownCloud version: (see ownCloud admin page)

Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install:

Where did you install ownCloud from:

The internet.

Signing status (ownCloud 9.0 and above):

Technical information
The following list covers which files have failed the integrity check. Please read
the previous linked documentation to learn more about the errors and how to fix

- core
		- .htaccess
		- core/img/favicon-touch.svg
		- core/img/logo.png
		- core/img/actions/lock-closed.svg
		- core/img/actions/lock-open.svg
- checksum
		- js/checksum.tabview.js

Raw output
    [core] => Array
            [INVALID_HASH] => Array
                    [.htaccess] => Array
                            [expected] => 6c525767196963e6a62d98ce31ec12790c87696ae649e75bf283e58a01242f21a121a26b6fb61c3226282c36e2a637a349aa1ce88ee0de7c92a4af950d5c2dd6
                            [current] => 96de34db673a14a529f698679f94799a4d514792ae0a650f7ee83f3bdb57cfebcc824d182ef89ec1c02460d520181ee69e445bd7e057051472e576452b4c64d3

                    [core/img/favicon-touch.svg] => Array
                            [expected] => 97db254f620e79fa4903657eb0eda2a2635fcbb00303792f0969eb38fa5f42014e35b2f7663ef8eb0038fdb49a3abdeea27a5102112a278f6556cbf01b29fd79
                            [current] => 2d723f40546ca9d59b2b454bbe87e7b38060b19303f7bb203c788b45c1a252afb2a50ca5bab59b2a9fcca949ea51d6b4ff9d2e30900a356e7aa7de4aaa7833bd

                    [core/img/logo.png] => Array
                            [expected] => 739c1b7f36549676146431b74f6f2e29c91b35a97c0bf06c1c6738515d30cd18226b8db9dcf1fcf220bda7a733b1b3618f5d0ddebfd380ec86463e053a5427a2
                            [current] => 48677642a07bccfec1a02a8c81008f013f3185c8b4983962c9471b8e4a6420638ff751aafe236348874915f60d0ee1172cddea1d7605ea8e026a7cbf31aff5c3


            [FILE_MISSING] => Array
                    [core/img/actions/lock-closed.svg] => Array
                            [expected] => 7a40c0b8f21fb3e45dd544f3d59fc7a23f81dd8d9daa15a6b4c057da82ef2358b47c708c975c0bd22b89cfa6d2adebf8fe65b99c41d0101f00c8258f84a84480
                            [current] => 

                    [core/img/actions/lock-open.svg] => Array
                            [expected] => dc94aa16a825cd2209d3195c8677c1471fa2f4ce4bc78e0fdb19c80fdc4c1db5241b050720439509025430a2468c68cf686ae6094e6847996155cd0a53bb7a64
                            [current] => 



    [checksum] => Array
            [INVALID_HASH] => Array
                    [js/checksum.tabview.js] => Array
                            [expected] => 72a3ed744fb5d619e4342b97dce103d2012dd08b59c0645a4fa3cf638b3c32ac2ee1b14a26a2bcdfe897f35fc192a88081bb907c5066bb167cf879ac12044f57
                            [current] => 562dab9f892434a9c4aea5436496a607aa805ddf20d622d17a6b966c5136b8c7788db8e8583b7baa3977f09867dcb4b06de71515e5d778d4e2fe201975109bb2




The content of config/config.php:

    "basic": {
        "license key": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "date": "Thu, 18 Jul 2019 15:37:43 +0000",
        "ownCloud version": "",
        "ownCloud version string": "10.2.1",
        "ownCloud edition": "Community",
        "server OS": "Linux",
        "server OS version": "Linux endex 3.13.0-170-generic #220-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 9 12:40:49 UTC 2019 x86_64",
        "server SAPI": "apache2handler",
        "webserver version": "Apache\/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)",
        "hostname": "box.bic.mni.mcgill.ca",
        "logged-in user": "admin"
    "stats": {
        "users": {
            "Database": {
                "count": 29,
                "seen": 20,
                "logged in (30 days)": 7
            "LDAP": {
                "count": 187,
                "seen": 187,
                "logged in (30 days)": 68
        "groups": {
            "OC\\Group\\Database": 17
    "config": {
        "instanceid": "oc00zt3t7bwy",
        "passwordsalt": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "secret": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "trusted_domains": [
        "cors.allowed-domains": [
        "datadirectory": "\/cache\/data",
        "overwrite.cli.url": "https:\/\/box.bic.mni.mcgill.ca",
        "htaccess.RewriteBase": "\/",
        "dbtype": "mysql",
        "version": "",
        "dbname": "owncloud",
        "dbhost": "localhost",
        "dbtableprefix": "oc_",
        "dbuser": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "dbpassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "logtimezone": "UTC",
        "installed": true,
        "loglevel": 2,
        "ldapIgnoreNamingRules": false,
        "files_external_allow_create_new_local": "true",
        "memcache.local": "\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu",
        "memcache.locking": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis",
        "redis": {
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 6379
        "appstore.experimental.enabled": true,
        "enable_previews": "true",
        "preview_libreoffice_path": "\/usr\/bin\/libreoffice",
        "quota_include_external_storage": false,
        "maintenance": false,
        "appcodechecker": false,
        "trashbin_retention_obligation": "1,1",
        "enabledPreviewProviders": [
        "mail_smtpmode": "smtp",
        "mail_smtphost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "mail_smtpauth": 1,
        "mail_smtpauthtype": "LOGIN",
        "mail_from_address": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "mail_domain": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "mail_smtpport": "465",
        "mail_smtpsecure": "ssl",
        "mail_smtpname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "mail_smtppassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "integrity.excluded.files": [
        "debug": false,
        "theme": "",
        "singleuser": false

List of activated apps:

  - activity: 2.5.0
  - announcementcenter: 1.2.1
  - audioplayer: 2.7.1
  - bookmarks: 0.10.5
  - camerarawpreviews: 0.6.4
  - checksum: 0.3.5
  - comments: 0.3.0
  - configreport: 0.2.0
  - customgroups: 0.4.1
  - dav: 0.4.0
  - diagnostics: 0.1.4
  - external: 1.4.0
  - federatedfilesharing: 0.4.0
  - federation: 0.1.0
  - files: 1.5.2
  - files_external: 0.7.1
  - files_pdfviewer: 0.11.0
  - files_sharing: 0.11.0
  - files_texteditor: 2.3.0
  - files_textviewer: 1.0.2
  - files_trashbin: 0.9.1
  - files_versions: 1.3.0
  - files_videoplayer: 0.10.1
  - gallery: 16.1.1
  - impersonate: 0.5.0
  - market: 0.5.0
  - notifications: 0.5.0
  - ownbackup: 19.5.0
  - provisioning_api: 0.5.0
  - systemtags: 0.3.0
  - updatenotification: 0.2.1
  - user_external: 0.5.0
  - user_ldap: 0.13.0
  - encryption
  - firstrunwizard

Are you using external storage, if yes which one: local/smb/sftp/…

local - NFS mounted network drives

Are you using encryption: yes/no


Are you using an external user-backend, if yes which one: LDAP/ActiveDirectory/Webdav/…


LDAP configuration (delete this part if not used)

| Configuration                 |                                                                                |
| hasMemberOfFilterSupport      | 0                                                                              |
| hasPagedResultSupport         |                                                                                |
| homeFolderNamingRule          |                                                                                |
| lastJpegPhotoLookup           | 0                                                                              |
| ldapAgentName                 | ***                  |
| ldapAgentPassword             | ***                                                                            |
| ldapAttributesForGroupSearch  |                                                                                |
| ldapAttributesForUserSearch   |                                                                                |
| ldapBackupHost                |                                                                                |
| ldapBackupPort                |                                                                                |
| ldapBase                      | OU=Faculty of Medicine,DC=campus,DC=MCGILL,DC=CA                               |
| ldapBaseGroups                | OU=Faculty Groups,OU=Faculty of Medicine,DC=campus,DC=MCGILL,DC=CA             |
| ldapBaseUsers                 | DC=campus,DC=MCGILL,DC=CA                                                      |
| ldapCacheTTL                  | 600                                                                            |
| ldapConfigurationActive       | 1                                                                              |
| ldapDynamicGroupMemberURL     |                                                                                |
| ldapEmailAttribute            | mail                                                                           |
| ldapExperiencedAdmin          | 1                                                                              |
| ldapExpertUUIDGroupAttr       | cn                                                                             |
| ldapExpertUUIDUserAttr        | displayname                                                                    |
| ldapExpertUsernameAttr        | displayName                                                                    |
| ldapGroupDisplayName          | cn                                                                             |
| ldapGroupFilter               | (objectClass=organizationalUnit)                                               |
| ldapGroupFilterGroups         |                                                                                |
| ldapGroupFilterMode           | 1                                                                              |
| ldapGroupFilterObjectclass    |                                                                                |
| ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr      | uniqueMember                                                                   |
| ldapHost                      | ldaps://sensitive.mcgill.ca                                                    |
| ldapIgnoreNamingRules         |                                                                                |
| ldapLoginFilter               | (&(|(objectClass=person)(objectClass=user))(|(cn=%uid)(mail=%uid)(name=%uid))) |
| ldapLoginFilterAttributes     |                                                                                |
| ldapLoginFilterEmail          | 1                                                                              |
| ldapLoginFilterMode           | 1                                                                              |
| ldapLoginFilterUsername       | 1                                                                              |
| ldapNestedGroups              | 0                                                                              |
| ldapOverrideMainServer        |                                                                                |
| ldapPagingSize                | 0                                                                              |
| ldapPort                      | 636                                                                            |
| ldapQuotaAttribute            |                                                                                |
| ldapQuotaDefault              |                                                                                |
| ldapTLS                       |                                                                                |
| ldapUserDisplayName           | UserPrincipalName                                                              |
| ldapUserDisplayName2          | displayname                                                                    |
| ldapUserFilter                | (objectCategory=person)                                                        |
| ldapUserFilterGroups          |                                                                                |
| ldapUserFilterMode            | 1                                                                              |
| ldapUserFilterObjectclass     |                                                                                |
| ldapUserName                  | samaccountname                                                                 |
| ldapUuidGroupAttribute        | auto                                                                           |
| ldapUuidUserAttribute         | auto                                                                           |
| turnOffCertCheck              | 0                                                                              |
| useMemberOfToDetectMembership | 1                                                                              |

Client configuration



Operating system:



Web server error log

No relevant error messages in web server logs.

ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)

Insert your ownCloud log here

Browser log

Insert your browser log here, this could for example include:

a) The javascript console log
b) The network log 
c) ...

Check https://doc.owncloud.com/server/admin_manual/installation/manual_installation.html#configure-the-web-server . It doesn’t seem a problem with ownCloud, but a problem with the apache configuration.

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