Windows 11 Problem maybe? Client says "Connection closed", no compatible Server found

Expected behaviour

First installation of Client on Windows11 should download Files from the server.

Actual behaviour

After some downloades files: “Server reports error reading folder ‘/’: Connection closed”.
After that no connection is possible again, after restart client “no kompatible Server found”.
Clients from Windows 10 Computers we use for 2 years are working properly. Only the new Win11 Computer has this behavior.

I tried removing client and .cfg File, reinstalles Client. I tried different lokal Synch folders, I tried system-Proxy and no Proxy, full download files and placeholder.

Admin has updated OwncloudServerInstallation and checked certificate.

We need some help please.

Client configuration

Client version: 3.2.1

Operating system: Windows 11

OS language: Deutsch

Installation path of client: C:/Program Files/ownCloud


ownCloud 9724d6 Libraries Qt 5.15.5, OpenSSL 1.1.1q 5 Jul 2022 Using virtual files plugin: wincfapi windows-10.0.22621 ownCloud
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ info gui.application ]: ################## “ownCloud” locale: “de_DE” version: “ownCloud 9724d6 Libraries Qt 5.15.5, OpenSSL 1.1.1q 5 Jul 2022 Using virtual files plugin: wincfapi windows-10.0.22621”
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ info gui.application ]: Arguments: (“C:\Program Files\ownCloud\owncloud.exe”, “–showsettings”)
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ debug gui.application ] [ OCC::Application::setupTranslations ]: Translations directory path: “:/client/translations/”
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ debug gui.application ] [ OCC::Application::setupTranslations ]: UI languages: (“de-DE”, “en-US”)
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ debug gui.application ] [ OCC::Application::setupTranslations ]: Theme-enforced locale: “”
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ debug gui.application ] [ OCC::Application::setupTranslations ]: Enforced languages: QSet()
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ info gui.application ]: Using “de_DE” translation
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ debug gui.application ] [ OCC::Application::setupTranslations ]: qtTrPath: “C:/Program Files/ownCloud/translations”
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ debug gui.application ] [ OCC::Application::setupTranslations ]: qtTrFile: “qt_de_DE”
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ debug gui.application ] [ OCC::Application::setupTranslations ]: qtBaseTrFile: “qtbase_de_DE”
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ critical gui.application ]: Could not load qtkeychain translations
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ info gui.application ]: Plugin search paths: (“C:/Program Files/ownCloud”)
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ info gui.application ]: VFS windows plugin is available
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ info gui.application ]: VFS suffix plugin is available
23-04-20 09:31:16:604 [ debug default ] [ OCC::Logger::setLogRules ]: “sync..debug=true\ngui..debug=true\n”
23-04-20 09:31:16:619 [ info gui.application ]: VFS windows plugin is available
23-04-20 09:31:16:619 [ info gui.application ]: VFS suffix plugin is available
23-04-20 09:31:16:619 [ debug gui.socketapi ] [ OCC::SocketApi::SocketApi ]: creating “//./pipe” true
23-04-20 09:31:16:619 [ info gui.socketapi ]: server started, listening at “\\.\pipe\ownCloud-Torsten”
23-04-20 09:31:16:628 [ debug sync.credentials.http ] [ OCC::HttpCredentials::fetchUser ]: user not set, populating from settings
23-04-20 09:31:16:635 [ info gui.account.manager ]: Restored: 0 unknown certs.
23-04-20 09:31:16:635 [ info gui.folder.manager ]: void __cdecl OCC::FolderMan::setSyncEnabled(bool) true
23-04-20 09:31:16:698 [ debug gui.activity ] [ OCC::ActivitySettings::setNotificationRefreshInterval ]: Starting Notification refresh timer with 300 sec interval
23-04-20 09:31:16:717 [ debug gui.updater ] [ OCC::Updater::create ]: QUrl("…)
23-04-20 09:31:16:730 [ info gui.application ]: Tray menu workarounds: noabouttoshow: false fakedoubleclick: false showhide: false manualvisibility: false
23-04-20 09:31:16:730 [ warning default ]: QString::arg: 1 argument(s) missing in %1 %2%7%8Qt Bibliotheken %3, %4%7verwenden die Erweiterung für virtuelle Dateien: %5%7%6
23-04-20 09:31:16:781 [ info gui.folder.manager ]: Setup folders from settings file
23-04-20 09:31:16:781 [ info plugins ]: Created VFS instance from plugin “owncloudsync_vfs_win”
23-04-20 09:31:16:781 [ info sync.database ]: Detected filesystem “NTFS” for “C:/Users/ko-dr/ownCloud - …/.sync_journal.db”
23-04-20 09:31:16:781 [ debug gui.folder ] [ OCC::Folder::checkLocalPath ]: Checked local path ok
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “PRAGMA quick_check;” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “SELECT sqlite_version();” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ info sync.database ]: sqlite3 version “3.36.0”
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ info sync.database ]: sqlite3 locking_mode= “exclusive”
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ info sync.database ]: sqlite3 journal_mode= “wal”
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ info sync.database ]: sqlite3 synchronous= “NORMAL”
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = ON;” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “DROP INDEX IF EXISTS metadata_parent;” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “DROP INDEX IF EXISTS metadata_parent;” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metadata(phash INTEGER(8),pathlen INTEGER,path VARCHAR(4096),inode INTEGER,uid INTEGER,gid INTEGER,mode INTEGER,modtime INTEGER(8),type INTEGER,md5 VARCHAR(32),PRIMARY KEY(phash));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metadata(phash INTEGER(8),pathlen INTEGER,path VARCHAR(4096),inode INTEGER,uid INTEGER,gid INTEGER,mode INTEGER,modtime INTEGER(8),type INTEGER,md5 VARCHAR(32),PRIMARY KEY(phash));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS downloadinfo(path VARCHAR(4096),tmpfile VARCHAR(4096),etag VARCHAR(32),errorcount INTEGER,PRIMARY KEY(path));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS downloadinfo(path VARCHAR(4096),tmpfile VARCHAR(4096),etag VARCHAR(32),errorcount INTEGER,PRIMARY KEY(path));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS uploadinfo(path VARCHAR(4096),chunk INTEGER,transferid INTEGER,errorcount INTEGER,size INTEGER(8),modtime INTEGER(8),contentChecksum TEXT,PRIMARY KEY(path));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS uploadinfo(path VARCHAR(4096),chunk INTEGER,transferid INTEGER,errorcount INTEGER,size INTEGER(8),modtime INTEGER(8),contentChecksum TEXT,PRIMARY KEY(path));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blacklist (path VARCHAR(4096),lastTryEtag VARCHAR[32],lastTryModtime INTEGER[8],retrycount INTEGER,errorstring VARCHAR[4096],PRIMARY KEY(path));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blacklist (path VARCHAR(4096),lastTryEtag VARCHAR[32],lastTryModtime INTEGER[8],retrycount INTEGER,errorstring VARCHAR[4096],PRIMARY KEY(path));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS selectivesync (path VARCHAR(4096),type INTEGER);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS selectivesync (path VARCHAR(4096),type INTEGER);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS checksumtype(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,name TEXT UNIQUE);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS checksumtype(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,name TEXT UNIQUE);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS datafingerprint(fingerprint TEXT UNIQUE);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS datafingerprint(fingerprint TEXT UNIQUE);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS flags (path TEXT PRIMARY KEY,pinState INTEGER);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS flags (path TEXT PRIMARY KEY,pinState INTEGER);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS conflicts(path TEXT PRIMARY KEY,baseFileId TEXT,baseEtag TEXT,baseModtime INTEGER);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS conflicts(path TEXT PRIMARY KEY,baseFileId TEXT,baseEtag TEXT,baseModtime INTEGER);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS version(major INTEGER(8),minor INTEGER(8),patch INTEGER(8),custom VARCHAR(256));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS version(major INTEGER(8),minor INTEGER(8),patch INTEGER(8),custom VARCHAR(256));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “SELECT major, minor, patch FROM version;” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database ] [ OCC::SyncJournalDb::commitInternal ]: Transaction commit “checkConnect” and starting new transaction
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “PRAGMA table_info(‘metadata’);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database ] [ OCC::SyncJournalDb::tableColumns ]: Columns in the current journal: QVector(“phash”, “pathlen”, “path”, “inode”, “uid”, “gid”, “mode”, “modtime”, “type”, “md5”, “fileid”, “remotePerm”, “filesize”, “ignoredChildrenRemote”, “contentChecksum”, “contentChecksumTypeId”)
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS metadata_inode ON metadata(inode);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS metadata_inode ON metadata(inode);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database ] [ OCC::SyncJournalDb::commitInternal ]: Transaction commit “update database structure: add inode index” and starting new transaction
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS metadata_path ON metadata(path);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS metadata_path ON metadata(path);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database ] [ OCC::SyncJournalDb::commitInternal ]: Transaction commit “update database structure: add path index” and starting new transaction
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS metadata_parent ON metadata(parent_hash(path));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS metadata_parent ON metadata(parent_hash(path));” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database ] [ OCC::SyncJournalDb::commitInternal ]: Transaction commit “update database structure: add parent index” and starting new transaction
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “PRAGMA table_info(‘uploadinfo’);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database ] [ OCC::SyncJournalDb::tableColumns ]: Columns in the current journal: QVector(“path”, “chunk”, “transferid”, “errorcount”, “size”, “modtime”, “contentChecksum”)
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “PRAGMA table_info(‘conflicts’);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database ] [ OCC::SyncJournalDb::tableColumns ]: Columns in the current journal: QVector(“path”, “baseFileId”, “baseEtag”, “baseModtime”, “basePath”)
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “PRAGMA table_info(‘blacklist’);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database ] [ OCC::SyncJournalDb::tableColumns ]: Columns in the current journal: QVector(“path”, “lastTryEtag”, “lastTryModtime”, “retrycount”, “errorstring”, “lastTryTime”, “ignoreDuration”, “renameTarget”, “errorCategory”, “requestId”)
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS blacklist_index ON blacklist(path collate nocase);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: “CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS blacklist_index ON blacklist(path collate nocase);” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “DELETE FROM downloadinfo WHERE path=?1” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “DELETE FROM uploadinfo WHERE path=?1” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “SELECT lastTryEtag, lastTryModtime, retrycount, errorstring, lastTryTime, ignoreDuration, renameTarget, errorCategory, requestId FROM blacklist WHERE path=?1 COLLATE NOCASE” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database ] [ OCC::SyncJournalDb::commitInternal ]: Transaction commit “checkConnect End”
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “SELECT COUNT(*) FROM metadata” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:783 [ info gui.folder ]: Creating “C:/…/Desktop.ini” to set a folder icon in Explorer.
23-04-20 09:31:16:787 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::prepare ]: SQL prepare “DELETE FROM blacklist WHERE errorCategory=?1” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:787 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: SQL exec: Estimated query: “DELETE FROM blacklist WHERE errorCategory=‘OCC::SyncJournalErrorBlacklistRecord::Category::LocalSoftError [2]’” Actual query: “DELETE FROM blacklist WHERE errorCategory=2” Try: 0
23-04-20 09:31:16:787 [ debug sync.database.sql ] [ OCC::SqlQuery::exec ]: Last exec affected 0 rows.
23-04-20 09:31:16:787 [ info sync.configfile ]: Adding system ignore list to csync: “C:/Program Files/ownCloud/sync-exclude.lst”
23-04-20 09:31:16:792 [ debug ] [ unknown ]: Succesfully called AddFolderToSearchIndexer on “file:///C:\Users\ko-dr\ownCloud - …”
23-04-20 09:31:16:792 [ info gui.folder.manager ]: Adding folder to Folder Map OCC::Folder(0x28ecfb68010) “C:/Users/…”

3.x+ desktop client needs ownCloud server 10+

1 Like

Our OwnCloud works well on other Clients V 3.x on different computers, but not this fresh install on windows11.

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