Dear ownCloud community,
we are currently running ownCloud version On the ownCloud download page, I see that ownCloud version 10.9.1 has been released on January 13.
On the settings page, however, I am getting ‘Your version is up to date’.
Also, the console is telling i am on the latest version which I believe is incorrect:
linuxadmin@ubuntu : /var/www/html $ sudo -u www-data php occ upgrade -V
ownCloud 10.9.0
linuxadmin@ubuntu : /var/www/html $ sudo -u www-data php occ upgrade
ownCloud is already latest version
linuxadmin@ubuntu : /var/www/html $
It seems that 10.9.1 is not offered to the stable channel at the moment. Is this correct or os there something wrong with our install?