During upgrade testing we discovered two issues in the web updater shipped with 10.0.3-10.0.8.
Updater backup doesn’t include apps
Updater removes all non shipped apps from the app directory
Fixes for these two issues are to be shipped with 10.0.9
The package below includes updater files that are patched to fix these issues.
Just extract it’s content into the updater directory of your ownCloud before using web updater and agree to override existing files.
my websearches keep yielding results for versions 8.x and 9.x … are there permissions that have to be in place before running the updater on 10.0.3 to go to 10.0.8 ? owncloud was originally installed via softaculous in a shared hosting environment, then the host required i move to vps hosting, which removed softaculous. the updater button is visible in the admin page, but i cannot seem to find the answer.
my host edited something for me, per them: “The modsec rule that was changed was 990011” (whatever that means). the patched updater is visible now. hoping there’s no conflicts moving forward. AND THANK YOU FOR THE HELP!