November 23, 2016, 10:53am
Current way to setup a user:
As an admin if I create a new user I have to enter a password.
And with server-side encryption on this password is then instantly used to create the user’s key pair.
This way the admin gets to know and tell the user his password.
The user then has to login, change the password, create new keys, log out and log in.
This process has many disadvantages.
How about a different way? Like …
Admin can create user without entering a password.
Admin can send user and e-mail invitation with a cryptic link to a setup page where the user himself can then enter a password of his choice.
The key pair is then created directly with that password and the user is logged in.
closing as a duplicate of the following thread where you can find a link to an existing feature request and an current ongoing implementation of this feature at the github issue tracker:
I have a new owncloud installation that authenticate to our LDAP server, but I also create external users who need to access our system. Ideally I'd like owncloud to email a newly created users a link that they can use to login and create their own password (like a password reset link). Unfortunately I always have to send them a separate email saying
"You've just received a notice indicating than an account has been created for you. Please try llogging into owncloud with a made-up password…