Please help us by providing the following info.
Steps to reproduce
- Trying to upload a file
- Browse for file
- Upload
Expected behaviour
Tell us what should happen
I should be able to upload files from ios app of my iPhone ios 10
Actual behaviour
Tell us what happens instead
Keep getting: Waiting for server connection
Mobile client configuration
Client OS (iOS, Android, …):
Client version: ios 3.5.1
Server configuration
Operating system: Debian GNU/Linux
Web server:VPS
Database: MySQL 5.5.38
PHP version: 5.6
ownCloud version (see ownCloud admin page): 9.9.1
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: Fresh install
ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log):
Special configurations (external storage, external authentication, reverse proxy, server-side-encryption): none