Cliente owncloud 2.3.0 MacOS no conecta al servidor

Al ingeresar la url en mi navevegador obtengo la siguente cadena qeu. no se como interpretar

{"installed":"true","maintenance":"false","needsDbUpgrade":"false","version":"","versionstring":"10.0.0 alpha","edition":"Community","productname":"ownCloud"}

No hay ningun sofware antivirus ni firewall que pueda estar boloqueando la conexion con el servidor.
EL cliente movil hace la conexion perfectamente con el servidor debe ser algun porblema con la nueva version del cliente para macOS la version anterior no fallaba.

By ingesting the url in my browser I get the following string that I do not know how to interpret.

{"Installed": "true", "maintenance": "false", "needsDbUpgrade": "false", "version": "", "versionstring": "10.0.0 alpha", "edition": "Community", "productname": "ownCloud"}

There is no antivirus or firewall software that may be blocking the connection to the server.
The mobile client makes the connection perfectly with the server should be some problem with the new version of the client for macOS the previous version did not fail.