A big problem we have is that Owncloud often and unexplainably doesn’t us a “move” to handle a move or rename of a file or a folder.
Instead it (annoyingly) proceeds to upload the files/folders to the server at the new location or with the new name and then deletes the original files/folders at the old location or name.
It would be interesting to know whether you are suffering that effect here - it could possibly account for your problem since it would be trying to delete a file which it can’t at a late stage in the sync.
@michaelstingl I did but unfortunately didn’t make a note of the (several) crash IDs
@joholm Yes that sounds very likely - I have noticed it do the upload of files to the new location instead of moving when working with video files - however I have also seen MOVE in logs?
A move is indeed part of the delete permission in ownCloud. Edit means that you update a file with the same name, or rename the file. We use this often to prevent mass-deletes by accident.
The local file system on the client doesn’t know about tha (something I like to fix eventually).
Why do you restart the app in step 5?
For me this is not reproducible in this way. Rather the server complaints and the file is downloaded again.
My observation so far is that the crash doesn’t happen until the app starts up the next time. Having figured it out this hasn’t happened since I reported this, and the machine is used daily for work so breaking it again isn’t top of my list to do - however I’ll have a go and submit some crash IDs in case the issue is something else.
Team fixed some evil bugs in the 2.9 branch, which caused crashes, especially around permissions. You can test-drive with the latest 2.9 pre-release builds: