Just a short question: is php 8 support now implemented in core? I am in the middle of a migration to new hardware/containers and need to know the correct php environment… The issue on github
is closed and last statement was from @DeepDiver1975 at 25.8.:
No need to continue in here. PHP 8.x will come these days…
Aside from the technical aspects: Its just my recommendation that a technical discussion (“should we add php 8.2 support for the old product or not?”) should also take into account the possible backlashs on the image of an open source product.
From the (non-commercial) community perspective, this is pretty clumsy and helps journalists to write bad articles like this one at Cloud-Computing-Software ownCloud und Nextcloud angreifbar | heise online where the author states “owncloud is unsave and nextcloud is save” (in this case, with another context, GraphAPI).
i think the “why” has been asked a few times in Announcement: ownCloud 10 and PHP Versions but only received speculations from other users but no official answer to it. I think that it could be possible that we will never know the “why”.
I have no “big” problem with that decision, as there are save workarounds when you use containered operation models (being it docker or anything else). I understand that the main focus lies on the future product OCIS, but there should also be “sufficient” maintenance for the older one. The switch to a major release of a runtime environment like php 8.x is a trigger for maintenance - at least from my personal point of view ;-).