ownCloud Server 10.2.2 released?

Hello ownCloud community,

currently i think it is not clear if ownCloud 10.2.2 has been released. For example i had found the following:

which seems to indicate that version 10.12.2 has been released.

On the other hand i didn’t got any update notification within my ownCloud instance and most prominently the download page on owncloud.com is still referencing version 10.12.1.

To me it looks like there is an ongoing issue with the release process of new ownCloud versions:

  1. From time to time the update notification for new releases within ownCloud doesn’t show any new update for non-transparent reasons
  2. New releases are not consistently announced at News - ownCloud Central and Latest news, blog and updates all things ownCloud
  3. There are inconsistent release dates of versions, for example with version 10.12.1:


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I was wondering the same, I’m quite sure I noticed that 10.2.2 was out on the server download page a few days ago, and the very next day, it seemed gone. :person_shrugging:

If you go to the older version page you will notice that 10.2.1 is registered twice.

BUT, I just downloaded the one I show with the red arrow and checked the CHANGELOG.md and also version.php

$ cat version.php 
$OC_Version = array(10,12,2,1);
$OC_VersionString = '10.12.2';
$OC_Channel = 'stable';
$OC_Edition = 'community';
$OC_VersionCanBeUpgradedFrom = [[8,2,11],[9,0,9],[9,1]];
$OC_Build = '2023-06-06T15:12:40+00:00 01ece70d7519e6fbea5b11fd5183c84c795e6862';
$vendor = 'owncloud';

It seems to be the latest version, but there is clearly a problem with communication about ownCloud server. Nothing on the forum, nothing in the rss feed either.

Thanks !

P.S: this download link does work https://download.owncloud.com/server/stable/owncloud-10.12.2.tar.bz2

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Yes, it was released. Late with the announcement here …

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thank you for the confirmation. But i think not only the announcement here is required but also an update of:

  • Download Server Packages - ownCloud because it looks to me that this is still referencing to 10.12.1 as well :slightly_frowning_face:
  • the update server to notify users of the released version 10.12.2
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it seems the info about ownCloud 10.12.2 (including the notification via the update notification) has been updated now.

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i’m not sure again if ownCloud 10.3.2 has been already official released :frowning_face:

For example this lists 10.3.2 as being released on 2023-10-04 (so ten days ago):

with a confirmation via:

But on the other hand the official download page still shows as 10.13.1 as the latest:

and there is no announcement on News - ownCloud Central for example :frowning_face:

Another typo? You mean 10.13.2?

I rarely look there, my source is the official archive.

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ah yes this should have been 10.13.2 :frowning_face:

I think now it is getting even more confusing, while the changelog says that 10.13.2 was released on 2023-10-04 the download page has a last modification date of 2023-10-10 for the 10.13.2 archive (6 days in between) :frowning_face:

Is the changelog release date wrong?
Is the changelog release date right and has the 10.13.2 archive been re-uploaded again later?
Which source to trust?


The truth is stable | download.owncloud.com as this is the only place that is automated. If the tarball was uploaded to this location, you can consider the release to be official. Testing releases will always be uploaded to testing | download.owncloud.com only.

Due to the fact that updating the website is a manual task as of now, there might be a delay sometimes (even if that’s not the best experience, I agree on that).

For the date in the changelog, I can forward this feedback to the product management, this should match the upload date to download.owncloud.com


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