i think you should find quite a lot existing threads about the very same question here at the forums. I did a short search like:
and immediately found various threads and an existing FAQ below.
If i understand those messages/threads correctly your ownCloud installation is not at at the version your CP is telling you. To solve this issue you would need to research which ownCloud version is currently active and then upgrade the versions up to 10.0.10 as ownCloud is expecting it by following the suggestions in the linked threads.
Blogpost about upgrading: https://owncloud.org/blog/introducing-owncloud-x/
General changes in this release: https://owncloud.org/changelog/#latest10.0
Please read those links carefully!!!
If you find another issue which should be in this FAQ, please write me a DM with a link to the problem/solution.
Common issues
Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported.
Please see:
On every major upgrade it is recommended to do a full upgrade by deleting all files and fo…
A “updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported” message is shown during an update/upgrade
As the message is telling you, you have done an unsupported upgrade path. For example:
Original version: 8.0.2
Upgraded version: 8.2.6
In this case you have skipped the 8.1.x major upgrade which is unsupported as stated within the documentation. In order to find out between which versions your are stuck, check the following files in the ownCloud folder: …
Hello, I ended up with this error when I executed "sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade". I had an old oC with version 6-something before. I followed the instructions here and felt safe since there should be Migration Test that prevents this to happen.
www-data@hp1:~/owncloud$ ./occ status
ownCloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
- installed: true
- version:
- versionstring: 8.1.9
- edition:
www-data@hp1:~/owncloud$ ./occ upg…
I upgraded owncloud from 8.1 to 8.2 and it worked fine! Then was trying to upgrade to 9.0 and when I checked the system requirements I had to upgrade Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 LTS. Once I upgraded Ubuntu to 16.04 I had a lot of PHP issues and MySQL is completely missing now. I haven’t upgraded to 9.0 yet. Do you recommend upgrading to 9.0 then 9.1 and 10.0? I am using tarball for the upgrades… Now I had to spin up another VM and working from a restore until I get this server up and running. …