Updater Bug Version 9.0.4 to 9.0.5


I’m having troubles updating my OwnCloud with the Updater. I have installed OwnCloud to a Webspace I rented so I don’t have direct access to many things such as command lines. The bug that I have is described here and also the solution, however I have no clue how and where to apply this patch.

Actual Version: 9.0.4
Update Version: 9.0.5

Thank You

PS: Please write the solution as easy as possible, I’m neither a real computer guy nor a native english speaker.

I added ‘Already patched files’ section to the post you are referring to. Please follow the instructions from this section.

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Thank You!
It worked all just fine but in the end I’ve got this error message…

Server error response [url] http://localhost/index.php/occ/config:list [status code] 503 [reason phrase]
Service Unavailable

How do i get around that?

Right… I somehow managed to get rid of this error…

Anyways, Thank you for your help!

In most times it also doesn’t make sense to mess around with the patches and just do the manual update like described here:

I just realized that 9.0.5/9.1.1 doesn’t contain this patch.
Which means that one of the issues respawns after update to 9.0.5/9.1.1

What you need to do is to open your ownCloud in a separate browser tab, navigate to the admin area and check that version has been changed are there are no integrity errors.

9.0.6/9.1.2 will have no such drawback

Is it OK that 9.0.5 vanished from web-updater?

Probably it is OK. At least it just vanishes out of fun so the one handling the update server probably knows what he did.