Collabora Online / CODE (LibreOffice Online) with ownCloud

The Collabora Project is targeting to bring LibreOffice into your browser. There are currently two integration possibilities with ownCloud:

  1. The "CODE" VM shipping a complete ownCloud and Collabora Online Setup

    This VM is available for download at the following page:

    Further setup instructions are available here:

  2. Integration into an existing ownCloud installation via the "Collabora Online connector" app

    Unfortunately there are install instructions missing for Collabora Online / LibreOffice Online ( ). However for easy setup a docker image is provided which can be used to integrate Collabora Online into ownCloud:

    To setup this docker image the following tutorials are available: For Apache For nginx

    Afterwards the "Collabora Online connector" app from can be installed.

Where to report bugs / issues

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Some issues i was facing when trying to get this to run on my Debian Jessie (Got a "We are sorry, this is an unexpected connection error. Please try again" error).

  • You need the Linux Image from Debian Jessie Backports (currently 4.6+74~bpo8+1), probably for the same reason why the docker container is not supported on Ubuntu 14.04
  • It might be needed that you start your docker container with the --dns parameters like:
    docker run -t -d -p -e "domain=cloud\.example.\.com" --dns --dns --restart always --cap-add MKNOD collabora/code
  • If you're running an iptables script / firewall make sure that you're starting docker afterwards as it will add some additional NAT rules to your iptables

When using the documents app you also need to disable that app before you're able to set the server name in your admin backend. Afterwards you can enable the documents app again:

Seems some one has now write down the needed steps how to install that app and build LibreOffice Online from source here:

There is also an issue with the app itself if you're restricting it to a specific group:

It currently also won't work if encryption is in use:

and also not if you have shared a folder on an external storage to other users:

With a recent update of the CODE docker image you can now specify the username/password combination in the docker startup like:

-e 'username=admin' -e 'password=123456'

Afterwards you can access the admin backend accessible at: (example)

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